Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm so Excited!!!

I attended an amazing woman's empowerment conference a couple of weekends ago and left there feeling super motivated. One of the sessions I went to was about writing out a Blueprint for success in multiple areas of your life. The keynote speech was given by an exuberant motivational speaker. She told the crowd to focus on your positive aspects of yourself and just DO YOU!

The whole time I was at the conference I had dozens of ideas for my business brewing in my head that weren't just going to stay in my head but I would now write them all down AND see them into fruition. I realized that in most cases the only thing holding me back from acheiving greatness was well, myself. So I'm pushing myself out of the way and heading straight towards my success!

Look forward to some updates about how I'm going to be expanding my business and taking Ama Designs to a whole new level!


dcdira said...

yay! alhamdullilah, it's always the right time to remind oneself of one's amazingness & potential. get it!

Ama Designs said...

Yes it definitely is. And I am embracing my amazingness NOW!!!